Saturday, April 30, 2016

Automatic Light control using Labview and arduino

Automatic Light control using Labview and arduino

This project is about automatically turning on LED's , when the light intensity goes low. It uses a LDR, 10k , 220 ohm resistors, and arduino uno .

A very simple Easy to do automatic light controller in Labview , LDR connected to arduino and LDR reading are fed to Labview and can find the intensity of light, If the light intensity goes below the set level all the lights turned ON and Turn OFF if the intensity level is HIGH.

The above fritzing shows how the connection are established between arduino and the other components. 

Labview program for LIFA :

Labview Program for LINX

The VI's for LabVIEW can be downloaded from the above links.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Controlling relay using Arduino and Labview

The above fritzing uses a 5v relay , If you are using a 12v relay you need to connect an external supply for powering the relay.

This is the simple relay control operation, where the control can be feed to the arduino by using Labview frontpanel, This example uses 3 DC motor to represent switching ON and OFF of motor, this same program can be used to control many application for switching and a timer can be added for controlling timed control applications. The above circuit can be modified for the controlling of AC circuits too, be cautious when connecting with AC circuit, use AC circuit only when needed.
Labview VI can be downloaded from here :

RF control Wireless Robot Using Labview and Arduino

The above fritzing is for RF Transmitter

Required components for Transmitter:

HT12E (Encoder)
RF Transmitter (I used ASK Transceiver)
Resistor 1 Mega Ohm
Arduino :)

Required components for Receiver

HT12D (Decoder)
L293D (Motor Driver)
RF Receiver
1 Meg Ohm Resistor

 Required Components For the Robot

connecting wires

Labview Vi and Fritzing files can be downloaded from the link.

Simple Fire Detection and alarm using labview and arduino

Required Components:
Photo diode ( IR receiver )
LM 385 (operational Amplifier )
Resistor 2 x 10k ohms
Potentiometer  10k ohms
connecting wires
Labview File and Fritzing can be downloaded from the link below :

How to Make a Voice Control Robot Using Arduino and Labview.

This project make use of the windows speech recognition, Given commands are converted into strings and check with the existing stored commands, If the command matches with the stored commands It executes certain function that assigned to that particular command.

This video explains How to make a voice control robot , its very simple and easy to do robot, you don't need complicated wireless circuits to make this robot works. this project make use of an RF wireless module which is available everywhere and cheap to use.

This project does not need any extra module installed to the laview, this project make use of the available windows speech recognition and easy to use.

for better results, take a speech recognition training with your system which makes it easy for the system to understand non native speakers and gives better result

For Circuit diagram and components requirements check the below link.

Labview File for Linx can be downloaded from here:

Labview File for Lifa can be downloaded from here:

DC Motor Control by LabVIEW

How to control DC motor with the help of arduino and labview, its possible to control 2 motors using L293D Motor IC, by using this motor driver we can control motor in 2 direction and speed of the motor can be controlled by connecting pwm pin of the arduino to the enable pin of the motor IC. 


Little Programming experience using LabVIEW

Understanding Electronics circuits 

circuit diagram for controlling DC motor
The above circuit uses the L293D IC for controlling a DC motor. It's possible to control two DC motor with the help of L293D IC

Complete file can be downloaded from here. 

Arduino Linx file can be downloaded from here

Virtual Prototyping in Solidworks and LabVIEW

How to use solidworks and LabVIEW for real time simulation,  real time machining operation can be done using these soft-wares. Unlike other simulators that is inbuilt with many CAD software , this can be used for real time testing of new machine design and the same program can be used physical machining process with the help of labview hardware resources that is available with labview. 

CAD files and labview files can be download from the below link:

